-=BEGIN FILE=- To: Those interested in government-UFO-parapsychology coverup From: George P. Hansen Princeton Arms North 1, Apt. 59 Cranbury, NJ 08512 (609) 426-0927 Subject: Dr. Victorian exposes John Alexander of the Aviary Date: 01 March 1994 Dr. Armen Victorian, the intrepid UFO investigator from Nottingham, England has uncovered disturbing material regarding the activities of Dr. John B. Alexander who now holds a high position at Los Alamos National Laboratory. Alexander has engaged in secret government work on parapsychology and UFOs. He was officially involved with the U.S. Army's investigation of the Cash-Landrum case (in which U.S. citizens received severe radiation burns). He has admitted that the "Colonel Harold Phillips" in Howard Blum's book, "Out There" was based on himself. Alexander serves on the board of directors of Psi Tech, a company formed by military intelligence personnel trained in remote viewing. Within the last year, Alexander has achieved national prominence in the area of non-lethal warfare. His picture appeared on the cover of the January 24, 1994, issue of Aviation Week and Space Technology (as many of you know, UFO debunker Philip J. Klass was an editor of AW&ST). The Wall Street Journal (January 4, 1993) and the Boston Globe (March 7, 1993) also gave Alexander considerable coverage. Victorian's discovery (the text follows) is exceptionally important. He made an FOIA request to Los Alamos, which was denied; he then made a second request for material related to denial of his first request. He hit paydirt. As can be seen in the attached pages, the CIA has taken action against those who have attempted to uncover the truth. Also the threats directed against U.S. citizen Martin Cannon should be of grave concern to everyone. In addition, Alexander's implicating of Bruce Maccabee should give everyone in ufology reason for worry. The most extensive coverage of Alexander and the Aviary has been published in the New Jersey periodical "Third Eyes Only." Starting with Issue No. 1, Alexander's connection with C. B. Scott Jones was discussed. Issue No. 3 covered Jones' warning that the government may "destroy property and take lives" if it became embarrassed about the UFO coverup. Nearly all following issues have carried material on the coverup, including articles by Victorian, Cannon, and myself. ----------------------------------------------- Under the letterhead of Los Alamos National Laboratory the following memorandum appeared, stamped "IN CONFIDENCE". At the top was a handwritten note saying: "Delivered to Judy Rose Archuleta, CRM-se on 9/28 by John Alexander." To: Gilbert Ortiz, CRM-DO, MS A150 Date: 28 September 1993 From: John Alexander Mail Stop/Telephone: C-983/5-3586 Symbol: IT-6 Subject: FOIA REQUESTS BY "DR. VICTORIAN" This is to provide you information pertaining to FOIA requests submitted by "Dr. Victorian" from England. First, the requester is falsely presenting himself. He is not a "Dr." nor is he a "Victorian." His real name is Henry Azadehdel. He is a convicted felon who has been involved in smuggling. His exploits have been widely covered in the British press and I have copies of such articles should you be interested in seeing them. But, there is no reason for you to have suspected him unless you were aware of his misrepresentation. Azadehdel/Victorian has been attempting inappropriately to elicit information on various topics for some time. At one point he virtually threatened to attack me in writing if I did not release information he believed to be classified. I have refused to respond to any of his requests. Somehow, he illegally obtained a copy of my military personnel files and has distributed them. While the files are accurate and relatively straight-forward, they are expessed lately prohibited from being released. I filed my own FOIA request to determine how the files got out. In addition to my files, Azadehdel has been involved in writing other material about me. Were it published in the United States, and be reasonably available, I would have sued for libel. Azadehdel has used his false credentials to obtain information from many key people including ADM Bobby Inman, ex-director of NSA. His normal approach is to refer to some key person he may or may not have talked with, and then ask for relatively benign information. Once he gets a piece of information, he keeps expanding his demands, a classic psychological "foot in the door" technique. He has conducted the same process with ex-CIA official Dr. Christopher "Kit" Green, and another civilian scientist with ties to the Government, Dr. Hal Puthoff. In both cases he published papers that would be considered libelous. Most recently he has been involved in a written attack against Dr. Bruce Maccabee, U.S. Navy Surface Weapons Center. Previously, I have discussed these matters with members of the CIA and NSA. I considered going to the State Department and having them ask the British Government to intervene. While the requests you have received appear to be within legal bounds, he has asserted he wants access to informaton he believes to be classified. I have learned that the CIA has asked both British Intelligence and the police to assist in resolving problems with Azadehdel. They may have also brought in the Justice Department as the requests were initiated under false names. In direct response to your reply about near-death studies, the answer was correct. Los Alamos has never been involved in near-death or related studies. It is true that I personally, have extensive experience in the field and consider it to be an avocation. That does not translate to institutional interest. Given the information above, and as Azadehdel is a foreign national, I suggest a short reply be sent that states we are not going to provide him information on these or any other topics. The CIA may be able to provide other aliases which Azadehdel is known to use. If a central database on FOIA is available you may want to put all off (sic) those names in and not respond to any of his requests, current or future. ------------------------------------------------- Dr. Victorian wrote a letter to Gilbert Ortiz responding to the statements of John Alexander. The text: Los Alamos National laboratory, Dr. A. Victorian, Mr. Gilbert Ortiz, P.O. Box: 99, Information Practices, West PDO, Mail Stop A150, Nottingham, NG8 3NT Los Alamos, NM 87545 England USA Date: 14 FEB 1994 Ref: BN-294 Dear Mr. Ortiz, I have received and studied a copy of John Alexander's Memorandum IN CONFIDENCE, dated September 28, 1993, to you, delivered by J. Alexander to Judy Rose. Pertaining the slanderous allegations made by the named [J. Alexander], I draw your attention to the following; 1. This is an open letter and is not written in confidence. You may, if you so wish, provide a copy to John Alexander. I have no objections. 2. I totally reject all and any allegations made by John Alexander in his written Memorandum of September 28, 1993 - IN CONFIDENCE. 3. My true identity is and has always been A. Victorian. I strenuously reject any false allegations made by John Alexander concerning my identity. 4. My article about him is based on fact, and IS published in the USA, as well as a number of other countries worldwide. I have also participated in numerous documentaries as a researcher and continue to do so. I await with great anticipation Mr. Alexander's legal action in this regard. 5. ALL of Mr. Alexander's military records, contrary to his wrongful assertions, were obtained ABSOLUTELY legally. I invite Mr. Alexander to take whatever legal action he may wish as proof of his claims to the contrary. 6. Information concerning his research in the Near Death expriences were given to me by his very close allies and quite openly. Documentation to that effect is available, should John Alexander wish to take any further action. In fact his "PhD Thesis" [which I have studied] was written on the subject of Near Death Experiences. 7. I have spoken to John Alexander only once. For the record, and as investigative research the coversation was recorded. Never, except that one occasion I have talked to him, neither, I have issued any threats for any information. All of my research activities are within the boundaries of the law, each carrying proper references. Once more, I invite and challenge John ALexander (sic) for the proof of his contentious remarks. 8. Mr. Alexander, upon his own personal admission, belongs to a particular group of individuals, specialising in dissemination of disinformation. He holds a bird's title. The group is collectively known as the AVIARY. Mr. Alexander's title within that group is the PENGUIN. I enclose a recent article in which John Alexander openly admits his membership. My article is an expose' on him and the group, and names the others in the same group; Hal Puthoff - OWL, Christopher "Kit" Green - BLUEJAY, Bruce Maccabee - Sea Gull, and others that he has not mentioned in his memorandum. The title of these individuals, as named here, are confirmed either by themselves, or their close friends and associates in the same group [AVIARY], and are well documented and further reconfirmed by the independent sources. In closing, I would like to learn from Mr. Alexander why did he issue a death threat to a Mr. Martin Cannon [a fellow researcher] in California [thru his wife Victoria Lacas/Alexander]? Mr. Cannon in fact broadcast Mr. Alexander's threat, which was taped on the phone in a radio programme in US last year [1993]. I possess evidence to that effect both from Mr. Cannon and others concerning this matter. I enclose herewith a relevant portion of Mr. Cannon's letter [which was further confirmed by him in the course of a telephone conversation]. Further written inquiries to Mrs. Alexander addressing this issue and requesting for an explanation produced no results [Mrs. Alexander had regular correspondence with me both prior and after her marriage with John - records available to that effect]. It seems obvious and peculiar that in any occasion where Mr. Alexander's wishes are not met, he resorts to issuing threats [as it is in my case with his memorandum]. Such attitude from the ethical point of view raises some serious questions with regards to his qualification in discharging his duties honourably, and without resorting to issuing threats. The same ethics dictate that individuals exceeding their authority should be prepared to face disciplinary action for the misuse of authority bestowed upon them. Sincerely, A. Victorian Encl: Attached, as stated {not included in this transcription} CC: To media and researchers, with the copy of John Alexander's memorandum of 28 SEP 1993, IN CONFIDENCE. File. -=END FILE=- I haven't had a chance to talk to Mr. Hansen about this file, but his telephone number is included should anyone else wish to contact him. I think that Alexander's alleged admission of being the "Penguin" is contained in Victorian's "The Pentagon's Penguin" article published in Lobster Press last year which is available on file here at the Fortean Research Center at (402) 488-2587 as PENGUIN.ZIP. Victorian says that Alexander made this admission in a taped telephone conversation with him and I'm not sure if anyone else has heard this tape and confirmed this. I have heard Martin Cannon's tape of Victoria Alexander (nee Lacas) telling him that John had threatened to "sick Gordon Novel" on him but since I've never spoken to Ms. Alexander before I can't confirm if that was really her or how serious a threat that was. For information on Mr. Novel and his alleged ties to the CIA and the JFK assassination see the book "Coup D'etat In America" by Alan J. Weberman and Michael Canfield. One last thing I noticed, Victorian makes a big deal about Alexander's interest in Near Death Experiences, but Alexander never denied that he had (or has) an interest in such matters, he only denied that there was any research going on in that area at Los Alamos. Well those are my initial comments on the file, anyone else care to join in? Bob Dunn --- ~ SLMR 2.1a ~ Press any key to continue or any other key to quit - JetMail v1.14a3 - Unregistered QWK Mail Door for Spitfire -- Bob Dunn - via ParaNet node 1:104/422 UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name INTERNET: Bob.Dunn@p0.f31.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG ====================================================================== Inquiries regarding ParaNet, or mail directed to Michael Corbin, should be sent to: mcorbin@paranet.org. Or you can phone voice at 303-429-2654/ Michael Corbin Director ParaNet Information Services